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中国实用医刊杂志   部级期刊






  • 下单时间:1个月内
  • 发行周期:半月刊
  • 曾用名:中原医刊
  • 发行地:河南
  • 创刊:1972
  • 类别:医学类
  • 出版社:中国实用医刊
  • 语言:中文
  • 价格:¥408.00
  • 起订时间:2020年01月
  • 邮编:450003
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中国实用医刊 2010年第13期杂志 文档列表



作者:黄文生 何瑶 钟诗龙 杨荣萍 谭敏 Wen-sheng Shi-long Rong-ping 单位:中山大学附属第一医院外科 广州 510080 中山大学附属第一医院消化科 广州 510080 广东省人民医院医学研究中心


作者:许多荣 李娟 陈媚 邹外一 许辉茹 Duo-rong Wai-yi Hui-ru

摘要:目的 探讨白血病患者异基因造血干细胞移植(Allo-HSCT)术后原因不明的血小板(PLT)下降与白血病复发之间的关系.方法 51例白血病患者于2006年4月至2009年10月在我科接受了Allo-HSCT术,其中5例患者在术后2年内出现了复发,我们回顾性分析了其复发前外周血PLT计数、骨髓形态学及植入状态的动态变化.结果 5例移植后复发患者移植早期中性粒细胞和PLT造血重建平均时间分别为15.8、25.8 d.当PLT计数降至50×109/L左右时,骨髓巨核细胞进一步减少,骨髓幼稚细胞比率虽较PLT开始下降时有所增多,但均未达到复发的标准,STR检查所有患者从FDC转变为进展性混合型嵌合体(PMC);5例患者在此后的3个月内先后发生形态学复发,复发时骨髓巨核细胞几乎消失,STR检查除1例患者仍为PMC外,其余4例患者均转变为植入失败;统计学分析发现Allo-HSCT术后PLT进行性下降可较出现PMC提前平均75 d、形态学复发提前平均164 d.结论 白血病患者Allo-HSCT术后出现原因不明的血小板进行性下降这一现象,虽然不能用来作为白血病复发的诊断,但对其早期复发有一定的预测作用. Abstract: Objective To explore the relationship between unexplained decline in platelets (PLT) and relapse in leukemia patients after allo-geneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation(Allo-HSCT). Methods Fifty-one patients with leukemia received Allo-HSCT in our department between April 2006 to October 2009 and 5 of them relapsed within 2 years after transplantation.We retrospectively analyzed the dynamic alteration about the platelets in peripheral blood, bone marrow morphology and the state of implantation in the 5 relapsed patients. Results The average reconstitution time for granulocytes and PLTs was respectively 15.8 days and 25.8 days in the 5 relapsed patients. When PLTs decreased to about 50×109/L, megakaryocytes in bone marrow in all the five patients further reduced. The radio of blast cells in bone marro


线粒体脑肌病MELAS综合征 4例临床分析

作者:常利 张博爱 吕海东 Bo-ai L(U) Hai-dong 单位:郑州大学第一附属医院神经内科 450052 U

摘要:目的 分析MELAS综合征主要临床特点及其MRI表现,提高对MELAS早期诊断的能力.方法 回顾性分析4例MELAS综合征临床表现及实验室检查、影像学特点.结果 高乳酸血症和卒中样发作是其主要临床特点,MRI表现为不符合脑血管分布的多发长T1长T2信号,肌活检可见蓬毛样红纤维(RRF).结论 MELAS综合征的MRI具有特征表现,血清乳酸水平显著增高,结合典型临床特点,可提高该病的早期诊断率. Abstract: Objective To study the clinical features and MRI manifestation of MELAS syndrome, improving the rate of early diagnosis. Methods To analyze the clinical manifestation, laboratory examination and MRI features. Results Increased lactate level and stroke-like episodes were the main clinical features, MRI manifests multiple long T1 and T2 signals which were not consistent with the main distribution of cerebral vessels,muscle biopsy with the modified gomoritrichrome method showed "ragged red"fibers (RRF). Conclusions MELAS syndrome had characteristic manifestation with MRI, increased serumlactate level, to combine together with its classic clinical features, we can improve the early diagnosis rate.



作者:寇根生 张宁 张建宏 陈佐明 Gen-sheng Jian-hong Zuo-ming


作者:李雁 卢宏 蒋超 单位:郑州大学第一附属医院神经内科 450052 郑州大学第二附属医院神经内科


作者:张治成 杨晓 Zhi-cheng


作者:邵松海 梁小灵 王爱霞 Song-hai Xiao-ling Ai-xia

摘要:目的 探讨体外循环机在自体血回输中的应用.方法 利用体外循环机单头泵转动产生的负压吸引术中出血,经肝素抗凝、过滤贮血器过滤后回输给患者.结果 40例患者回收血液共44 800 ml,自体血在回收后4 h内全部回输.患者均痊愈出院.结论 用体外循环机回输自体血经济方便、滤过安全、回收率高,值得推广应用. Abstract: Objective To evaluate the application of heart-lung machine in autologous blood transfusion. Methods Heart-lung machine single-head rotation produced by vacuum suction pump bleeding, after heparin anticoagulation, filters the blood storage device in patients with filtered back to losing. Results A total of 40 patients recovered blood 44 800 ml, autologous blood was recovered in all the autotransfusion within 4 h. Patients were discharged. Conclusions Heart-lung machine to facilitate the economic recovery of autologous blood, filtration safe, high recovery rate, is worth popularizing.



作者:韩玉霞 Yu-xia


作者:赵春燕 韩家凯 庞妩燕 Chun-yan Jia-kai Wu-yan


作者:宫凤云 钱婀娜 杨海霞 Feng-yun E-nuo Hai-xia 单位:郑州市第十人民医院内科 450052 第四军医大学唐都医院肿瘤科

摘要:目的 探讨胃癌及癌前病变组织中端粒酶逆转录酶(TERT)和细胞增殖核抗原(PCNA)的表达及其临床意义,并分析幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染与端粒酶逆转录酶(TERT)和细胞增殖核抗原表达的关系.方法 采用Warthin-Starry(W-S)法、原位杂交法及免疫组化技术检测127例经病理证实的不同胃黏膜病变中Hp感染、TERT mRNA、PCNA的表达.结果 胃癌组PCNA和TERT mRNA阳性率均分别高于慢性萎缩性胃炎、肠上皮化生、异型增生(P<0.05);Hp阳性组PCNA和TERT表达均高于Hp阴性组(P<0.01).结论 Hp可通过刺激胃黏膜细胞过度增殖,同时诱导端粒酶活化和PCNA异常表达,从而启动和加速胃癌的发生发展过程.PCNA、TERT的过度表达与胃癌的发生有关,可作为筛选胃癌高危癌前病变的标志物. Abstract: Objective To investigate the expressions of cell proliferation of nuclear antigen (PCNA) and telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) mRNA and their clinical significance ingastri precance-rous lesion and carcinoma.To analyse the relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and expressions of TERT and PCNA. Methods Expressions of Hp,TERT mRNA and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in 127 cases of different gastric pathological changes were respectively determined by in situ hybridization,Warthin-Starry and immunohistochemistry staining. Results The positive staining rates of TERT mRNA and PCNA in GC were respectively higher than those in gastric precancerous lesion group (P<0.05). In Hp positive group, the expression of TERT mRNA and PCNA were higher than that in Hp negative group(P<0.01). Conclusions Helicobacter pylori can stimulate gastric mucosa to excessive proliferate,at the same time,can induce the telomerase to activate and the disorder expression of PCNA, thereby, priming and accelerating the pathogenesis and development of gastric carcinoma.The excessive expression of PCNA and TERT are related to gastric carcinoma.Using them to screening high risk of precancerous lesi





作者:刘培杰 Pei-jie


作者:任颖 银平章 孔令非 Ping-zhang Ling-fei


作者:杨鹏伟 Peng-wei

摘要:目的 提高对老年肺栓塞的认识及诊断水平. 方法回顾性分析我院21例老年肺栓塞患者的临床资料.结果 老年肺栓塞患者的临床表现缺乏特异性,临床误诊率高,本组为76.2%,最易误诊为心肌梗死. 结论应提高对老年肺栓塞的警惕性,溶栓抗凝治疗可改善患者的愈后. Abstract: Objective To improve the recognization and diagnostic level of the old with pulmonary embolism. Methods The clinical data for 21 old patients with pulmonary embolism was reviewed retrospectively. Results Clinical manifestation of the old with pulmonary embolism was lack of specificity, and misdiagnosis rate was high.The misdiagnosis rate of this group was 76.2%, which were easily misdiagnosed myocardial infarction.Conclusions A clinical doctor should raise vigilance for the old with pulmonary embolism,and thrombolytic and anticoagulant therapy may improve the acromegalic prognosis.



作者:蔡英晓 Ying-xiao

摘要:目的 分析急性颈髓损伤前路减压植骨融合术后的呼吸变化,探讨其护理措施.方法 28例患者急行颈髓损伤行前路减压植骨融合术,采用低流量吸氧、雾化吸入、应用抗生素、翻身、拍背、吸痰、气管切开给氧呼吸以及气管插管机械呼吸,加强呼吸训练,并注意出院后的指导.结果 平均住院21 d,所有病例均经3~24个月(平均13个月)的随访,死亡3例,死亡原因为多脏器功能衰竭,余25例呼吸功能完全恢复.结论 改善呼吸功能、消除呼吸系统并发症、加强呼吸训练等是促进颈髓损伤植骨融合术后呼吸功能恢复的重要方法. Abstract: Objective To investigate the respiratory method of operating for anterior cervical decompression grafe-bone fusion in acute cervical spinal cord injury. Methods Twenty-eight cases of acute cervical spinal cord were operated with anterior cervical decompression.Adopt low flow inhaleoxygen,Atomize inhale and antibiotic use,turnover and pat back and suck sputum, gibeing oxygen respiration of trache poerate,machineing respiration of trache instudetract. Results It has Live hospital average 21 days.All cases were followed up from 3 to 24 months(average 13 months).3 cases were dead,the reason was MSOF. It has completely renewed respiratory functional in 25 patients. Conclusions It improve respiratory function and eliminate complication are important method of promote Cervical vertebras grefe-bone fusion in acute cervical spinal cord injury.